Wednesday, April 23, 2008

(From Michelle)

Jon and I spent yesterday at the attorney’s office working through the process of getting permanent legal custody of the Vince and Isabella. It was incredibly draining, but also very encouraging. The attorneys are optimistic about the kids being placed with us.

Cleanup of the house continues, but we have divided up duties among us, so those of us who are struggling with being at the house don’t need to keep going back there. It’s incredibly difficult to be in Debbie’s home—impossible to deny the reality of what has happened when surrounded by the physical reality of her life. The house was a surprise to us. There was no evidence of the crime, and the normalcy of what we found was unsettling. Several years ago, when the family lived in Richfield, Carlos beat Debbie (and threatened to kill her), and we cleaned up the mess of blood and disarray. At that time the house revealed the chaos they were living, but this time nothing. The grief hits me hard when I’m there.

We had Animal Control pick up their two cats and ferret and had a moment of hilarity when another cat appeared right after Animal Control left, and Aimee wondered if we had sent the wrong cat away. We’re dealing with the cars, bills, etc.

We met with the funeral home yesterday and made arrangements for her viewing and cremation. Her older children have been very involved in the planning, and everyone feels good about the arrangements. The service will be at 1:00 tomorrow (Wed.), and the viewing for immediate family only on Thursday (tentatively, because the Medical Examiner has not released her body yet—frustrating).

The kids are remarkable. The older children are coping with incredible grace. The two younger children have accepted the current situation of being with our family and are playful and sweet. We have absolutely fallen in love with them! Jon and I are taking them to zoo today to get them out of the hotel. There’s plenty of heartbreak with them too. Isabella continues to talk about her daddy stabbing her mommy and that now they don’t have a daddy anymore, only a mommy. They believe that Debbie is at the hospital. Vince doesn’t talk about the incident at all. Isabella also asked why we came and if we didn’t want them to go to their daddy and get stabbed by him. What these children have experienced is beyond comprehension. There will be tough times ahead for all of us.

On a positive note, the support we’ve received from all of you is stunning. We requested declarations of support for us as parents, and they came pouring in this morning. We may need to reread them in the future to remind ourselves that we CAN do this. We’ve also received so many offers of help. Thank you all so much!! We feel very nurtured and supported.

We love you all,
Jon & Michelle

From: Jon Freeland
Sent: Monday, April 21, 2008 10:25 AM
Subject: Update from Seattle

Hi everyone,

We are surviving here one day at a time. We all remarked last tonight that it feels like we’ve been here for a week now, although it’s only been 36 hours. The days have been long with lots of details to work through, but the busy work actually helps keep us focused and not dwelling to much on the mess.

We spent the afternoon yesterday with Brandon, Emily, and Olivia, Debbie’s oldest kids from here first marriage. You all may remember them from their trips to the lake with us. They have been living with their Dad in Tacoma for the last several years, because of the volatility of Deb’s home. Emily (14) is struggling the most as she was the closest with Debbie and had lived with her sporadically over the years. Brandon (17) is a senior in HS and has had limited time with Deb and Carlos; he’s doing well but is holding in a lot of anger. Olivia (11) is a very sweet and caring girl and has had a more limited exposure to this household. She’s just going with the flow and hanging in there.

Late yesterday afternoon, Michelle and I were awarded temporary custody of Vince (5 yrs almost 6) and Isabella (4 yrs). They don’t know that Debbie died yet; we’ve decided to give them a day or so to get comfortable with us and then will break the news. Isabella witnessed the stabbing and told the foster family that “daddy stabbed mommy”. She also told me last night that “daddy is in jail; he told me he’s going to be in jail forever and isn’t coming back”. Wow. Vince was also around the scene, didn’t see the actual stabbing, but saw Debbie lying on the ground outside after it happened. Such a horrific scene. Even with all of this, they warmed up to us immediately and are making plans to travel to Minnesota. They both cuddled right up with us in bed—laughing, and wanting their backs, arms, legs, and stomachs scratched. I guess our bed time routine will be extended a bit!

They are still under the oversight of the Washington State Department of Social and Health Services (Child Protection Services), that initially placed then in a foster home Saturday morning. Once we passed all of the background checks and screening processes, they gave us temporary custody. We are working to hire an attorney today to help us with the process of securing Permanent Legal Custody, which hopefully will happened in the next three to four days. We need the permanent custody before taking them home. At this point, we are being told that we should get permanent custody.

We are busy dealing with a house full of stuff. No one will be coming home, so we need to get it empty and cleaned up (thank God, there isn’t any evidence of the tragedy). We took the older kids over there yesterday, so they can get their belongings out. Everyone is struggling with being at the house. It’s so tough to see her home and belongings without her there. Debbie was obviously trying very hard to make changes in her life. So sad she was paralyzed by her addictions and didn’t get there.

The family is gathering together: Del and Kathy traveled with us Saturday; Aimee (Michelle’s sister) also flew in on Saturday; Sid came out yesterday (he really wanted to be here); Steve (Michelle’s brother) arrived yesterday afternoon from Georgia; and Tyler (Aimee’s significant dude) is landing this morning. It’s been great to have everyone together. The funeral is hopefully on Wednesday. Del, Kathy, and Aimee are working to make the arrangements this morning while Michelle and I are working on the custody issues.

My amazing wife is struggling at times, but overall is so strong and keeping the family together. I watched her last night take these kids into her arms last night with unconditional love; it was an amazing sight. Even though the kids will struggle, together we will be strong.

I appreciate your prayers, love, and tears. We’re going to be fine and are excited to give Vince and Isabelle a safe and loving home. Feel free to send this update out to anyone you who may be interested.

Lastly, we do appreciate all of your emails and notes. Although Michelle and I may not have time to respond to them right now, we are receiving and reading them all.

Love you tons,
Jon & Michelle


behidad said...

Michelle and Jon,

My son was in preschool with Vince. I followed the news of Debra's death over the weekend, and Monday realized she was one of the other moms at the school. I have been consumed with thoughts of her children all week, and I can't tell you what a relief it is to read your posts and to learn that Vince and Isabella will be cared for by such a loving couple.

My prayers will be with you and all of Debra's family as you all struggle to deal with this tremendous tragedy and its effects on all the kids. Please keep in touch with the preschool to let them know how the children are doing over the next weeks and months. There will be many prayers said for all of you, and for Debra to rest in peace knowing that her children are being well cared for.

And if there is any thing any of us locals can do to help you through this time, please also send word via the preschool of that.

Peace, Allison

Anonymous said...

Michelle and Jon,

How wonderful you are to adopt the youngest two children. I am a mother of nine children; I do not know you, or Debbie...but my heart pours out for her. I feel the laws for abuse are not quite right...if people are to stay together I am thinking it should be an ordered 'couples' counseling instead of just one or the other...

I am here in Minnesota and read Debbie's obituary here from the Star Tribune while I was getting my car worked on at the shop. I started shaking and the tears just wouldn't hold back there in the waiting area...for some poor mother and also I know this is difficult to put but also the poor father in this situation. What drives people to this is beyond thought...and poor baby witness it all. I will let my words be few on that subject and just offer a hand, a voice, a friend if you want...

My name is Lynn and I live in Big Lake, MN my email is my youngest children are Hannah (7), Madalyn (9), Jacob (11), and they go up from there...but if ever you need heart goes to yours. We have almost three acres here and a couple of four wheelers, maybe you could bring the kids up for a barbeque and the kids could play during the summer...I don't know, I just felt like I could offer something. I also have hand me down clothes that are like new. . . just let me know their sizes. I feel so spiritually connected to Debbie for some reason, I am praying for her to know that somehow her wishes for her children are in God's hands and hopefully you will hear His voice in how you raise these children as your own.

I know from having quite a crew that routine is very important, so now that their routine is shook I am sure there is so much going on in their minds. I pray that somehow telling them that their mommy is in Heaven will help but also, I know how hard it is to even think about...but also to pray for their must feel like stomping on his head but for them, it has to be so hard even to just think about. ... I am in tears again writing this...I just don't know what my heart is trying to say except someone has to be very .....very.... hmmmm what goes in this spot....evil fits best for me sorry, but very evil to do this in front of their own babies.

To do this at all to you and your family. Your poor mother, I pray for her to know that she should stand proud...what grace she has to have known her daughter from beginning to end and see all of the goodness in her. Not many moms get to witness their child's entire life.

I just want you to know that I'm here, not too far away if you ever need a shoulder.

I am not a counselor, just a mom who has been through it all...just a mom praying for another mom and a mom of that mom and a new mom to be. My heart is praying for you all, and your husband to be so wonderful to agree to raise your sister's children, how great must he be?

I read the post about the preschool, I was thinking maybe so it wasn't such a shock to these kids that they could get a or something for their friends to write on...or some page like this or even an email....just so they don't loose friends and their surroundings all at once. Kidspace is like Myspace but suited for little kids. I am sure there are all types of sites but even my seven year old is pretty doggone good at the computer.

There is also a good site called that has age/grade level skills and the online books there I like...they have read along stuff and math stuff that is pretty cool.

Also, for you there is a prayerwall at I am sure you could get a lot of support from the nice people there. I am not a freak, but just trying to help and show support to you and your family....

I don't know what else I can offer...I just sit here feeling your pain and trying to help you at least know that these kids are going to be fine - - THEY HAVE YOU!!!

Wow, what an awesome person you are to do this and share your world with theirs.

Take care of you, enjoy every minute because they grow up way too fast.

With my love,


Phil Ginsburg said...

Debbie was the mother of my nieces and nephews, Brandon, Emily and Olivia. She was married to my brother for over 10 years.

My wife Joy and I have many happy memories of Debbie. She helped us learn how to put a car seat in the car with our first of four children in 4 1/2 years....we had that love of babies in common.

I myself have been in recovery for some time makes it so hard to read Debbie's writings and know that the serenity she worked so hard for was so close. I got to see Debbie for a few moments last summer and got one of those Debbie smiles, laughs and a big bear hug...those are the things I will remember....and the beautiful Nieces and wonderful nephew that my brother and her gave me!

BecciGrant said...

Jon and Michelle,

I did not know Debbie. I volunteer on a confidential dv shelter crisis line sometimes, and have spoken with women under such similar curcumstances that I feel I COULD know her. I read her obit in the Tacoma News Tribune last night and grieved to tears for her and the children. It is wonderful that the children have you, loving and responsible grandparents. I will be praying for you to be blessed with strength and peace, and for the children's mental healing. May the grace and healing of our Lord of Peace bless your entire family.

Sincerely, Becci Grant